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The City That Ended Hunger
"To begin to conceive of the possibility of a culture of empowered citizens making democracy work for them, real-life stories help -- not models to adopt wholesale, but examples that capture key lessons. For me, the story of Brazil's fourth largest city, Belo Horizonte, is a rich trove of such lessons. Belo, a city of 2.5 million people, once had 11 percent of its population living in absolute pov... posted on Nov 27 2012, 74,353 reads


The Learning Curve of Gratitude
"Eight weeks ago, I was released from the hospital after suffering a pulmonary embolism. I had just finished a tour and a week after returning home, severe chest pain and terrible breathlessness landed me in the ER. A scan revealed blood clots in my lungs. Everyone told me how lucky I was. A pulmonary embolism can take your life in an instant. I was familiar enough with the medical term, but not f... posted on Nov 26 2012, 12,242 reads


See Good Intentions
"Recognizing the positive intentions in others, we feel safer, more supported, and happier. And when others feel that you get their good intentions, they feel seen, appreciated, and more inclined to treat you well. But it can be hard to recognize the goodwill in others. We're busy and distracted and stressed. Positive aims are often buried beneath negative behaviors. The brain's innate negativity ... posted on Nov 25 2012, 14,497 reads


Knitting Behind Bars
"The first warden Lynn Zwerling approached with her idea recoiled as if she might bite. The second wouldn't meet with her. The third claimed to love the idea, then fell out of touch. Outrageous, said the fourth. The fifth, Margaret Chippendale, at a minimum-security men's prison outside Baltimore, didn't have much hope for Ms. Zwerling's plan either. "She brought the program to me and told me: 'Yo... posted on Nov 24 2012, 10,130 reads


Remembering What We Have Forgotten
Discovering the writings of Peter Kingsley (In the Dark Places of Wisdom, Reality and now A Story Waiting to Pierce You) reminded me of what a mystery it is to be alive. One is always forgetting this, especially in this era of science's stupendous discoveries and the astonishing advance of techonology. It's as if we have the power to figure everything out. Does this confidence in our knowledge sta... posted on Nov 23 2012, 4,352 reads


20 Questions for Thanksgiving
"It can be challenging to create rich and meaningful family conversations about gratitude. I know I've felt disappointed when my "What do you feel thankful for?" questions are met with quick, predictable responses that bring the conversation to a close soon after it's begun. This Thanksgiving season, I'm taking a different approach by coming up with 20 gratitude questions to help enliven our shari... posted on Nov 22 2012, 102,825 reads


The Danger of a Single Story
Growing up in Nigeria, author Chimamanda Adichie only read stories about blue-eyed British children, playing in the snow and eating apples. She loved these stories, but she could not connect to these stories. Growing up in an English-speaking former colony, Adichie nevertheless embraces Nigerian history and tradition to write critically acclaimed diasporan literature. Watch her discuss her own you... posted on Nov 21 2012, 3,372 reads


Untrack: Letting Go of the Stress of Measuring
"There are a few old management adages that seem to run like a current through our society, powering our work and personal lives: "You can't manage what you don't measure" and "You are what you measure" and "You get what you measure". And I've fallen for it myself. At various times, I've tracked workouts, miles run, everything I've eaten, every single work task I complete, progress towards goals, ... posted on Nov 20 2012, 17,195 reads


What The Fire Could Not Destory
"Ben and Norma Shapiro spent Thanksgiving week in New York City. They went to two jazz clubs, one comedy club, two movies, six plays and five museums. They had packed clothes to take them to those events, plus casual walking. And those are all the clothes they have left. On their last night in NYC, Nov. 30, they went to a jazz club and returned to their hotel. The manager met them as they entered ... posted on Nov 19 2012, 6,474 reads


For Love of Sheeba the Cheetah
"Every parent knows the bittersweet ache of watching their children grow and leave the nest, but what happens when your baby is not yet two years old and can already run as fast as a car? No one knows exactly how a one-month-old cheetah cub made her way under the fence of the Ol Pejeta chimpanzee sanctuary in Kenya in October of 2010. It's no small miracle that sanctuary workers spotted her before... posted on Nov 18 2012, 31,620 reads


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Those who wish to sing, always find a song.
Swedish proverb

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